Claes Wohlin is an Emeritus Professor of Software Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. In 2011, he was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. In 2019, he was appointed Emeritus Editor for the Journal of Information and Software Technology after serving as Editor-in-Chief and Editor for 17 years. Claes Wohlin is a board member for the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research since October 16, 2020.
Claes Wohlin served as Dean for the Faculty of Computing for five years (2014-2018), Pro-Vice-Chancellor for six years (2004-2010) and the first Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education at Blekinge Institute of Technology in 2002. Before joining BTH in 2000, he held professor chairs at Linköping (appointed in 1997) and Lund (appointed in 1998) Universities. The chair at Linköping University was the first professorship in Sweden to focus on large-scale software development (i.e. software engineering). He has held a Visiting Professor position at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg (2005-2008), been a Professorial Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia (2009-2011) and a Guest Professor at Shandong University at Weihai in China (2013-2016). Furthermore, he has five years of industrial experience and continued to work very closely with the industry in his academic career.

Professor Claes Wohlin received a PhD in Communication Systems from Lund University in 1991. His research interests include empirical methods in software engineering, software metrics, software quality, requirements engineering and systematic learning and improvement in software engineering. Claes Wohlin is the principal author of the book Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000) and two revised versions published by Springer in 2012 and 2024 respectively with the title Experimentation in Software Engineering. The book was released in Chinese in October 2015. He is also an author of a textbook on software engineering in Swedish (Studentlitteratur, 2005). He is the co-editor of three books on knowledge management, requirements engineering and project management, respectively. In total, he has more than 260 international publications. His h-index in Google Scholar is 70, with the book on experimentation having more than 10 000 citations, and he has more than 190 articles with ten citations or more. The total number of citations to his work exceeds 34 000 in Google Scholar.

Professor Claes Wohlin served as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Information and Software Technology (published by Elsevier) between 2008-2015, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal between 2002-2007 and Special Content Editor (in particular responsible for special issues and special sections) between 2016-2018. Furthermore, he served on the editorial board of three other journals: Software Quality Journal (2002-2018), Requirements Engineering Journal (2005-2018) and Empirical Software Engineering: An International Journal (2002-2012).
Claes Wohlin received the prestigious Telenor Nordic Research Prize in 2004 for his achievements in software engineering and improving reliability for telecommunication systems.
Based on his publication record, Claes Wohlin is listed as number six in the world in a lifetime achievement ranking of software engineering in a study conducted by ScholarGPS.
Prof. Claes Wohlin has advised 24 PhD students to a doctoral degree; seven of them are now full professors at different universities. Moreover, one of his academic grandchildren is also a full professor.
A more extensive CV can be found here.